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20+ YEARS Water Specialists

Reverse Osmosis: Pros and Cons. cover

Reverse Osmosis: Pros and Cons.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a popular water filtration technology, but it has its drawbacks. It requires softened water, wastes a lot of water, and removes beneficial minerals. Before installing an RO system, consider the potential issues and explore alternative technologies. #waterfiltration #ROprosandcons

When Your Drinking Water is BAD... Do You Hear About it? (copy) cover

When Your Drinking Water is BAD… Do You Hear About it? (copy)

Rounding up Roundup: A Witches’ Brew of Contamination Glyphosate and Fluoride make lead problems in water worse. To make matters worse, widespread glyphosate use can make water more effective when it comes to stripping lead from pipes.

A New Look at Kidney Stones.

A New Look at Kidney Stones.

These amazing images of kidney stones show why you may be in excruciating pain. They are, frankly, self-explanatory.

When Your Water is BAD... Do You Hear About it?

When Your Water is BAD… Do You Hear About it?

Rounding up Roundup: A Witches’ Brew of Contamination Glyphosate and Fluoride make lead problems in water worse. To make matters worse, widespread glyphosate use can make water more effective when it comes to stripping lead from pipes.

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