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20+ YEARS Water Specialists

AlkaWay Reviews

What Our Clients and Friends say ...

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    Wrote multiple times for updates and received none

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  8. K

    Excellent customer service

  9. K

    Great tasting water

  10. GH

    Great service as usual

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Dr. Christine Salter recommends UltraStream to all her clients for water that is filtered and optimized for molecular hydrogen.‎

“Taking care of our health is an investment of time and resources; to be guardians of our health we should invest in an optimal whole food diet, be physically active in everyday living, get restorative sleep as well as regular relaxation, use high quality, targeted nutritional supplements and use optimized water such as that found in the UltraStream.”

Dr. Christine Salter, MD, DC, ND, ABFM, ABIHM, ABOM

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Diane Kusunose recommends UltraStream to her clients.

Insights For Natural Balance is Diane Kusunose. She is a Licensed Physical Therapist, Biofeedback Therapist, and Nutritionist. Diane performs a variety of services to assist her patients in overcoming stress related symptoms, leading to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

“The Hydrogen water from the UltraStream system is an important step in the recovery of function because it decreases inflammation. It assists the chemistry of the body and corrects the pH balance!

Regards, Dïane”

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Customer Service AlkaWay style

“Hi Joanna!

Many thanks for picking up the double payment, my wife and I are very grateful for your honesty. We have been questioned by our doctor about Lisa’s (my wife’s) alkaline blood results and overall health improvements just over 2 weeks on the filter and the Dr has requested info on your water filter which we gave the info from Alkaway that was sent to us with our order. So are interested to see her answers which we seem to think she (the Dr) will become one of your clients, yeah!

Regards, Darrin”

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Dr Leo recommends UltraStream to all his clients.

“Our country has become unhealthy. Lifestyle changes need to be made. An important aspect is drinking the right fluids. Our cells are made of 99% water, so don’t you want the best water there is?

The research on Molecular Hydrogen is in, and its benefits are numerous. From weight loss, improving cholesterol, being a selective anti-oxidant and even sports supplement for increased performance; The UltraStream gives you it all… and at an affordable price.”

~Dr. Leonard Morneau, MD, PGY-2

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Kaye brings her rainforest stream home.

“The wonder-filled image of a spring-fed rainforest stream of my youth gently bubbling over rocks often comes to my mind’s eye whenever I drink from our ultimate creek… a grateful sigh of satisfaction for our UltraStream water filter.

Thank You, Kaye”

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Customer Service AlkaWay Style

“Hi Alkaway team,

Thank you for sending us a replacement flow diverter at no charge. The metal one is much better than the plastic one we had. The flow is better through our filter now and there are fewer drips as well.

We appreciate your incredible generosity and your excellent customer service. The AlkaWay team is a shining light for other Aussie companies.”

Jennie and Basil Smagala

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Dr. Phillip Princetta recommends UltraStream.

“I first learned about the health benefits of ionized (alkaline/oxygenated) water over 30 years ago. Over the years, I studied, used and sold many water units. Recently I was introduced to the AlkaWay UltraStream and it peaked my curiosity.

With 21st century technology, this unit not only ionizes the water but adds the all-important element of Hydrogen into the equation. And it does so without using electricity. The UltraStream is small and sleek.”

Dr. Phillip Princetta

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More customer service feedback

“Just some feedback, your service has been outstanding, you’re friendly with a lot of product knowledge.  We didn’t know one water purifier from another and started to inquire with AlkaVXXXX and they were not very helpful and very impersonal, signing off with their company but not a contact person etc.  In general, I didn’t feel that they were interested in their customers.

So, I said to Peter let’s go elsewhere and BOY are we glad we did, now we have a much more superior water treatment product on the way to us.  So, pass this feedback onto your boss, it’s good for him to know.

I’d like to say to your boss that their choice in staff by picking you because you are so professional and helpful to your customers, and it’s not every day that customers get so much information and assistance.  I wish you everything good in your career.”

Regards, Esther and Peter

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Marg’s Migraines

“Hi all
I have been a migraine sufferer for approx. 55 years now. During this time often feel as though my brain lacks the required amount of oxygen although all tests show no problems.  When I have had severe migraine oxygen alone, increased to point migraine is completely gone works without any further treatment.

My sister put me onto a product available in Australia by AlkaWay (I love H2)  tablets, which is added to water. Must be added to a water container with a tight-fitting lid where it can be filled with no air left in it when the lid is on.  350ml-400ml. 1 tablet per day, however when I have a migraine, I take between 6-9 tablets and migraine is gone within half an hour with enough oxygen being delivered into my bloodstream.

Safe, effective, no drugs, brilliant.

I am not connected with this company in any way at all and can assure you I pay for my products like everyone else. Just want to share as this has been one the most effective NON-DRUG TREATMENTS available.  Can keep on the shelf at home.

Kind regards

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Gigi loves UltraStream

“We have an UltraStream and LOVE it.”

Gigi Field, UK

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UltraStream… Loving it

“Yes! My Alkaway UltraStream has been installed for one month now… and loving it!”

Julie White-Hansen

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Performance Coach chooses UltraStream

“Pure water is the base for performance. I discovered that Alkaline Water has additional benefits to ordinary filtered water or minerally-depleted reverse osmosis water. More research is also becoming available to demonstrate the performance enhancement aspects of hydrogen-rich, structured water… red blood cell movement depends on optimal pH and hydration.

I’ve been drinking this water for a year now and it’s certainly been the healthiest, happiest, strongest year of my life so far!”

Keegan Smith – Team Performance Coach

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After 10 years with an electric ionizer

“I have been using Alkaline water since I purchased the Alphion some 10 years ago now and for the last 6 months have been using the UltraStream and I have to say that I would not use any other kind of water for drinking, we use it for cooking and to boil the jug for coffee and tea and for just drinking a nice refreshing glass of water, nothing like it.”

Michael Stephenson

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3 Months on…

“I just thought I would give you some feedback about my water system. I have had it for about 3 months and I have found that I have experienced some great health benefits, that I thought I would share with you.

I had been drinking tank water for years, and not only enjoy the better tasting water but I have found that I don’t get the sore necks and joints that I was experiencing.

I always suffered from bad necks which I put down to working on a computer. And in the last 12 months kept getting a sore hip which I put down to again working in an office in a sitting position.

I have now noticed that I haven’t got these issues and so I am thrilled about that. Whether it’s the hydrogen getting rid of inflammation or the magnesium.

I have now started recommending the system to friends.

Tracey Norton, Vic AU

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Smart Undersink

“My husband installed this (UltraStream) yesterday and we absolutely love it! It takes up even less space on our kitchen benchtop and it looks very smart!

He’s no plumber but even he couldn’t believe how easy it was to fit.

Thank you AlkaWay for the amazing UltraStream and this wonderful convenient setup!”

Joy, Australia

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Rayanna tells all …

“So, I have been taking water that has this amazing ‘molecular hydrogen’ in it for about 2 months I think. What have I noticed? ENERGY! Smooth hydrated skin (no need for a moisturizer whaat!?) 

HOWEVER the biggest difference I have noticed is whilst being on my twice yearly cleanse/detox. With no starch, sugar, fats, and such you are bound to go through headaches, lethargy, low energy etc… but NO through giving my body what it needs especially through this time, I am feeling great!! I am so grateful to the brilliance of those who have brought this to the likes of you and I.”


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Byron Jaimee and Ruby

“We purchased the Alkaway UltraStream 6 months ago and I just wanted to say we love the product but even more than that we think the customer service team is amazing, they have fielded all our question/emails and were really helpful and friendly. Customer service is the most important thing in business these days and I’ll be recommending the product to anyone who wants clean, freshwater!”

Jaimee and Ruby, Byron Bay, AU

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Something Changed!

“I had one cataract removed and the lens replaced on Wednesday the 11th of Nov, spent a night with enough pain that I had to take a painkiller, and spent most of the next day sleeping. I had an UltraStream installed the night before the next week’s operation on the other eye, which was a very different experience. It was almost pain-free, and the next day saw me with so much energy that I not only did a whole pile of chores but even when I lay down for a few minutes, I didn’t look like going to sleep. I don’t know if I can put all the differences down to the Alkaline Water, but something changed!

I’m looking forward to seeing what else changes in my life with UltraStream water.”

Kathy Rose, Mullumbimby, NSW Australia

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Complete non-water drinker converted

“My friend, Tiana, recommended the UltraStream unit to me when I complained about my water filter, that cost four times as much as the UltraStream. I was amazed that this unit was easy to install and operate and was far superior in taste. I gave a glass to my sister, who is a complete non-water drinker, and opened her mind to the fact that a straight glass of water can actually taste delicious as well as being essential for good health. She now wants to purchase the UltraStream. I now find it very easy to drink several litres of water per day as advised by my Doctor. Previously it was impossible.

I also started using the ILoveH2 tablets and found that they gave me a definite, sustained energy boost over the day. This is a huge breakthrough for me as I have chronic fatigue. Thank you, Leon, for putting me onto this.”

Magenta Apple-PYE, Australia

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Vitaly can’t stop

“Love the filter, I purchased mine in the UK and I can’t stop drinking water – it’s so pure and soft and it makes you very thirsty hahahah, basically you can’t get away with just one glass as the body is asking for 2 or 3 glasses to follow straight after. Love It, best investment I ever made in my own wellbeing.”

Vitaly, UK

mark and Miyaki

Willing to Share

“We have over a number of years experimented with many natural health products and with our recent purchase of the UltraStream, we have found a filter that we are willing to share with everyone we come across.”

Mark and Miyuki Kruse

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Science-based decision pays off

“I purchased an UltraStream about this time last year and was so impressed that I purchased another for my mother. My background is science and I have worked in water management both in mining and the public service.”

Peter Clarke Canberra, AU

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The 80/20 Lifestyle

“My whole family is now enjoying healthier and pure water from the UltraStream.

I am a big believer in the 80/20 Alkaline way of life for health and well-being and this is certainly the way to go as we all drink so much water. We replaced our normal water filter with an UltraStream and under sink unit and tap. Very happy with it and the water tastes great.”

Victoria Langham, AU

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Research, Ethics and Low Price

“I’ve been a happy customer for a long time and I really appreciate the research you all put in to bring us the latest info on alkalising even when it means now selling a much cheaper machine. Love your Business ethics!”

Valerie Banham, WA, AU

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Cross fit Champ Chooses UltraStream

“My name is James Newbury I am a 23 years old have been using UltraStream for the past 6 months religiously. It is the purest tasting water I have ever had and I feel so much better when I drink during training and competitions. I have just competed in the Australian Men’s Fitness Fit bloke challenge and placed 1st overall after coming 2nd for the past 2 years. I truly believe my improved performance has to be in some part a result of using the UltraStream water and allowing myself to rehydrate and recover faster and better than the competition.”

James Newbury


Dr St Clare tells why he chose AlkaWay and the UltraStream

“I contacted AlkaWay unaware that the company was based in Australia, requesting information about their new hydrogen infusing water filter, the ‘UltraStream’.

As a Doctor, what was important to me was that the specifications on the product being sold could be scientifically substantiated and that the quality of the system was not compromised as the result of its affordability.

Due to our Florida water having many pollutants/toxins/impurities and being undesirable for consumption, I wanted to know what impurities the UltraStream actually was capable of removing as the result of their filtration system

I was not impressed with being able to purchase “inexpensive” Chinese filters, as the quality was more important, especially when this Alkaline Water was for my personal consumption.

All of the other companies selling Alkaline machines were UNABLE to provide me with any conclusive information to substantiate their sales pitch. Cassie from AlkaWay satisfactorily answered all of my questions.

The big difference between the UltraStream and electronic ionizers is simplicity – just plug it into your water supply and you have pure high-quality Alkaline Water. You do NOT need a 40-page manual to operate.

AlkaWay’s customer service is excellent and being that they are based in Australia (now have permanent offices in the USA) has not been a deterrent in any way

They have always immediately answered any queries I may have had and I have no hesitancy in recommending them to anyone – they are the best. No other company here in the USA can compare with their product and service.”

Dr. Merv St Clare

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Scott upgrades to UltraStream and saves thousands

“Nice upgrade from the Melody… the water feels even better for my body.


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Joanne listens to her friend’s advice…

“I love your water! My sister started me on it. She’s been drinking for four years now I wouldn’t drink anything else.”



As good as any water I’ve ever drunk

“So happy with this product. The water tastes great- if you allow for a slow pour from the faucet through the filter. Very happy. I test the pH constantly and it performs. I really just wanted some nice, filtered water, but this also tastes as good as any bottled water I’ve ever drunk.”

Eli Proud, USA

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Colin saved by his son!

“Previously I have suffered from gout on & off for many years. My son purchased an UltraStream 3 months ago and after drinking the pure alkaline, hydrogen-rich water and eating carefully for this amount of time I have not suffered from gout since. This has made a huge difference to my life.”

Colin, QLD AU

John Beithan

Liked it so nice he became our USA man on the ground!

“My 6-week BP results from drinking 1/2 my body weight in ounces per day of UltraStream filtered, ionized, Alkaline Water: 120/95 with a pulse of 68 to 88 – vast improvement!!!

It’s really that simple.”

John Biethan, California, USA

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Scientific Feedback

“It has been some time since we last Skype’d and I wanted to reconnect as, at long last, we tested the Alkaway (UltraStream) system using our proprietary RedoxSYS ORP system and sensors.  As you’ll see from the attached spreadsheet when using your system, the ORP levels decrease dramatically (essentially by half), and the antioxidant levels in the water go up dramatically.”

Josh Disbrow, President & Chief Executive Officer, LUOXIS

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Jacqueline upgraded, saves money and water!

“The UltraStream is definitely superior to my old electronic unit.

There are less clutter and H2O usage! My visitors also like drinking the ‘fresh’ H2O. Because I drink alkalized H2O I don’t take drugs for my arthritis. I only take supplements like Krill oil and mussel.”

Regards, Jacqueline

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Phillip Townsend of SevenPoint 2 loves his UltraStream.

“Hello Ian,
I just wanted to let you know that I ordered a replacement cartridge from Amazon this week. We are thrilled to have such a great product in our home. Thank you for leading the way!”

Phillip Townsend

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Four kilos lost. Life-changing.

“Just thought I keep you all updated on my progress with UltraStream. I purchased the UltraStream product 2 months ago and have changed my lifestyle to suit. I have digitally tested the ph that comes out of my UltraStream and amazingly is 10.3.

Out of my tap is 7-7.2 this is remarkable. I have 4 litres a day and at first, was constantly going to the toilet. I believe that this was due to the fact that all the toxins were being released. I have dropped 4 kilos in weight and feel fantastic. I fill all my drinking bottles every day and take them to work. This is a big part of my life now and will not leave home without them.

Thank you Alkaway for this life change.”

Fabian, Greenvale, AU

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Falling in love with… water!

“I have for some time been having some trouble with my digestion.   And especially when I drink water first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, I find that to relieve my discomfort, for at least 5 plus minutes I keep making myself belch.   (It’s not a pleasant feeling).

It has been amazing, but the filtered water from the UltraStream seems ‘so smooth’, it just glides down. I know that it may sound strange, but that ‘having to burp feeling’ cannot be psychological… I just love this new water!

My husband who initially was a little resistant about getting this filter, after about 2 weeks said: “I don’t like to admit it but it does feel different, it seems as smooth as a feather and so easy to swallow.

Thank you for inventing such a good product!”

Bruna B

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Silent reflux support

“Well, I’ve been about a week into the use of the Alkaway Ultrastream… and if you remember my main reason for purchase was to see if it would help with my silent reflux and the cough that comes with it.  However, I was also looking for my family to drink ‘healthier’ water so it was a win either way.

Last night was the third night with no coughing!  Not sure if it’s the cure but I haven’t done anything else different except introducing the new water.  Here’s hoping. But either way, impressed with benefits. Thanks so much for taking the time with me. Just wanted to give you a bit of feedback (and considering Alkaline Water was one of the options when I Googled my silent reflux condition…I didn’t know water could be so different!).”
Michelle Sellick, QLD, AU

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Big changes with good diet

“I have had Diabetes type 2 and have been drinking UltraStream water for 6 months and along with dietary changes and drinking the water. My Diabetes is now in remission.”

John, QLD, AU

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Off the Cordial at last

“My husband used to only drink water with cordial in it but now he actually drinks just water from our UltraStream.”

Tina, Manly, AU

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Pippi’s new water ionizer: without the calcium problem!

“I used to have electric water ionizer and it was always having to be repaired because of calcium problems.

When I was told that the UltraStream would be better than my electric unit which I paid so much money for I was very sceptical but I am very glad to say that I needn’t have been. Another benefit is the filtration, it even takes out fluoride. I had to have all sorts of prefilters with my previous electric water ionizer but with this one, everything is in the one filter.

So much easier in so many ways.”

Pippi, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


Steve’s change of health

“I have Fibro Myalgia and I normally have to take painkillers for the pain, I started drinking the UltraStream water which my wife had purchased and after 4 months I realised I had not taken my painkillers for the last few weeks. The pain has gone.”

Steve, Deception Bay, Australia

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Million Dollar water

“I am really enjoying the (UltraStream) water. That water tastes like a million dollars. I have never felt better.  I would never buy another filter.”

Chris, Greystanes, AU

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Senior Power!

“The Busselton Senior Citizens Centre was fortunate to receive a donation of an UltraStream Alkaliser inline water filter. We have found the filter to be an invaluable addition to our kitchen.

We operate within Foodsafe standards and now filtered water is used in all of our food preparation. Our kitchen provides a lunchtime meal in the dining room and we produce Meals on Wheels for delivery by BESS home and community care drivers. On a busy day, we produce 100 dining room meals and 120 Meals on Wheels clients.

We feel the use of filtered water contributes to the high standard meals we provide and we certainly appreciate the kind donation to allow us to achieve this.”

Busselton Senior citizens

suewilson about

Water is my thing. My medicine.

I have been working with it now consciously since starting colonics in 2004. Its something that has been a part of my life, either on beaches, waterfalls or rivers, it just makes me exhale. Dr Emoto’s work is well known, we now see the effect vibration has on water. Water is not innate, it is a conduit. It receives and carries messages, plus so much more. For me it heals life, on many levels, as Dr Batmanghelidj is well quoted, “you are not sick you are thirsty”. You are water, you are affected by vibration, you can affect your health with hydration and vibration.
When I first started colonics my first job was to source water filters. I am asked all the time, what water systems do you use ? and yes I did the kangen thing, many years ago. I came across Alkaway. I have followed and used their filters since way back then. I believe they are a company that has integrity and keeps abreast of the science in this area. So in setting up my new clinic at Nerang, so happy to have put on the whole house system. This removes all baddies including heavy metals, and gives us water we can absorb. We also sell their ultra stream that can be bench tip or under .
~Sue Wilson, Bottoms Up Colonics

wetface woman

Lyme Disease – UltraStream Success: Ellen Richard-Clark

“July 26th, 2016
Hi John,

As always, it was great to reconnect with you and I am very grateful for your professional and speedy service to maintain our UltraStream which I believe is responsible for our family reaching and continuing optimal health.  My testimonial is as follows;

I am a 55-year-old outdoor enthusiast and cancer, rheumatoid and Lyme disease survivor.  When I was diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago, I learned how very important it is to carefully research and self-educate to optimize health through nutrition, exercise, and supplements to enjoy a healthy life.  Therefore, when I was diagnosed with Lyme’s disease 7 years later, I was already following an anti-inflammatory diet, good nutrition plan, exercising well, and conducting a lifestyle I thought would promote a good, healthy immune system which should have helped me fight this disease.  That is when I learned from my CDC physician that what I hadn’t considered was the quality and quantity of my drinking water! Living on a farm in Florida with chemically treated well water was compromising the effects of all the other good things I was doing for my body and health.

After researching the benefits of hydrogen-rich, ionized and Alkaline Water, I was attracted to the Alkaway Ultrastream.  As a retired wildlife biologist, the natural features and method of filtration compared to the electrical units peaked my interest.  I purchased the UltraStream as I was in excruciating pain from cyclic meningitis and illness caused by the babesia bacteria of Lyme. I am allergic to PCN and after a year of oral antibiotic, cocktails was at the point where the doctor was contemplating implanting a port within my arm and standing by with an epi-pen while injecting antibiotics in an effort to kill this bacteria.  I begged for a one month period to try the UltraStream which he had approved together with essential oils before applying the life-threatening PCN technique. You guessed it; the next 3-week cycle of meningitis demonstrated an immense reduction in pain, stiffness, and illness. Within two months, the second cycle was a mere migraine type headache with not even stiffness in the neck!  I have been extremely blessed to be cured of Lyme disease with no recurrence of meningitis or even joint pain previously diagnosed to be from polymyalgia rheumatoid since starting to drink the UltraStream treated water almost 2 years ago. This water has also helped tremendously with allergies and asthma suffered by my family members. We even bring our filter with us in our travel trailer when camping up and down the east coast from Florida to Maine. My husband is now 62 years old and we’ll never travel without our UltraStream.  

We definitely plan to keep using this water treatment indefinitely to enhance and maintain health in our golden years.”

Ellen Richard-Clark
Dream Acres for Autism, Inc

What Our Clients Say
1411 reviews