Tywon Hubbard is our alltime expert on molecular hydrogen, H2, and alkaline water. He researches to such a degree that I believe everything he says.

Tywon Hubbard is our alltime expert on molecular hydrogen, H2, and alkaline water. He researches to such a degree that I believe everything he says.
Learn the difference between natural alkaline water and artificially increased pH water. This video can save you thousands!
We get many, many inquiries about what molecular hydrogen is capable of. It’s understandable: there are now well over 1000 studies of the effects of inhalation or ingestion of molecular hydrogen.. and they look too good to be true. (See them all here) Tywon Hubbard is a champion of H2. he champions its use through […]
Microclustered water. Does a water ionizer REALLY microcluster your water? Nope
Immunity and Molecular Hydrogen: The answers.
Is Hydrogen an IMMUNE SYSTEM Booster? This video makes it clear.