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Give Fido what he really needs for optimum health cover

Give Fido what he really needs for optimum health

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Photographer: Victor Grabarczyk | Source: Unsplash

The type of water you give to your pets can impact their overall health. The average percentage of water in most mature animals is anywhere between 70% and 76%, it’s obvious that your pet’s depends on the type of water they drink. Ensure you’re giving your pets the best water to ensure their best life.

Why your pet needs high-quality water

Same with us! Your pet needs good water for their body to function properly. The higher quality the water, the more efficient its body will function.

Some ways healthy water improves your pet’s health:

Water regulates body temperature
Water is a coolant. It absorbs heat as it evaporates from your pet’s skin and through panting. This vital process helps maintain a healthy body temperature, especially during exercise or hot weather. Without adequate water, your pet will struggle to regulate its temperature, which will lead to overheating and other health problems.

Water aids digestion and nutrient absorption
Water breaks down food and assists the digestive system., helping soften food, allowing for easier passage through the digestive tract. Water also dissolves essential nutrients from food, making them readily available for absorption into the bloodstream, where they can be used by the body for various functions. Dehydration can hinder digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to constipation, malnutrition, and decreased energy levels.

Water lubricates joints and transports nutrients
Water is a lubricant in joints, reducing friction and cushioning bones during movement. This helps maintain joint health and mobility, allowing Fido to move freely without discomfort. Water is a vital transportation system, carrying essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and oxygen throughout the body to various organs and tissues.

Water flushes out toxins and waste products
It plays a crucial role in flushing out toxins and waste products generated by your pet’s Normal metabolic processes. Enough water intake means efficient waste removal, preventing build-up of toxins that can lead to various health problems, including kidney and bladder infections. Dehydration, conversely, can impair waste removal, allowing toxins to accumulate in the body, impacting organ function and overall health.

Potential problems from unhealthy water

Unlike our human family members, pets don’t always drink from the best water sources. Ensure that your pet stays at the peak of health, alwaysmonitor your pet’s water intake.

Here are some water sources and potential problems associated with them:

Tap water– may contain contaminants like chlorine, lead, and other minerals

Standing water– stagnant water sources are the perfect environment for harmful bacterial to grow

Rainwater– often contaminated with pollutants and debris

If your pet ingests these contaminants and harmful bacteria, it can lead to:


~Urinary tract infections

~Skin problems

~And digestive issues

Choosing the healthiest water for your pet

It is very important to provide your pet with access to healthy drinking water.
Consider these clean, safe, and beneficial hydration choices:

Filtered tap water
It’s widely available, cost effective, and removes harmful contaminants, like chlorine and lead. Choose a filter specifically designed for pet water bowls or a whole-house filtration system.

Bottled spring water
Bottled water is convenient for travel and emergencies, readily available, and often comes in smaller bottles, which are more suitable for pet bowls.

Pet fountains
Fountains encourage increased water intake with a constantly flowing, aerated water source, which some pets enjoy. Many models are also equipped with built-in filters to remove impurities.

Hydrogen-enriched water
Compared to other water sources, hydrogen water offers the most health benefits for your pets. Offering hydrogen water to your pets is simple and convenient.

Potential benefits:

Increased Antioxidants
Hydrogen water acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that damage cells and contribute to various health issues.

Reduced Inflammation
Hydrogen water can reduce inflammation, which can benefit pets with allergies or joint problems.

Better Coat Health
Reduced inflammation in the hair follicles may result in a shinier, healthier coat.

Accelerated wound healing
Studies have shown that hydrogen-enriched water mayhelp skin wound healing in dogs, reduces inflammatory reaction, and shorten wound healing time.

Water : it’s essential for your pet’s health. It impacts everything from temperature regulation and digestion, to joint health and waste removal. your pet’s hydrationis essential for well-being and overall health. Make sure you’re providing your pet with the best water possible, so you can keep them around for a long time.

Note: While hydrogen water is considered safe for pets, it's wise to consult your veterinarian before any new addition to your pet’s diet.

Contact us here at AlkaWay. We have any ways to help you and Fido.

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