Ha! Ha! I guessed that would pique your interest!
As you know here at AlkaWay we’ve been at the forefront of Researching and implementing the many benefits of daily inhalation of, or drinking molecular hydrogen water. We LOVE it! And we’ve watched as a small movement has grown into over 1000 scientific studies of how H2 affects virtually all disease modalities as well as general health and athletic performance.

But we’ve seen very little about the effects of hydrogen water on plants.
That is, until recently when we saw a company in America had patented a delivery system for H2 water to plants. The had a few field studies completed including one on greenhouse marijuana and tomatoes. The results were, frankly, spectacular.
Today I received an invitation to contribute to a special edition scientific journal on the same subject. Being totally unqualified to submit, I said no, thank you but good for you.
Here’s the summary of what the special edition is about.
Molecular hydrogen (hydrogen gas; H2), is gaining prominence in the scientific literature as well as the popular media. Early pre-clinical and clinical studies suggest the use of H2 treatment for a wide range of human diseases, from COVID-19 to various neurodegenerative diseases.
Moreover, its biological activity also appears to have therapeutic and regulatory effects in plants. Accordingly, it has been suggested to be useful in large-scale agricultural settings.
Hydrogen gas has effects on a range of physiological events in plants. It has been shown to have effects on seed germination, plant growth, and development. It has also been found to be involved in plant stress responses and to be protective against pathological abiotic stress challenges. Similarly, it also has beneficial effects during the post-harvest storage of crops. Therefore, its use in the agricultural setting has great potential as it appears to be safe, with no toxicity or harm to the environment.
One of the conundrums of the use of hydrogen gas is how it induces these observed effects in plants and plant cells. It is difficult to envisage how it works based on a classical receptor mechanism. There is some evidence that it may act as a direct antioxidant, especially by scavenging hydroxyl radicals, or via enhancing the plant’s innate antioxidant system as a biological signaling molecule. It has also been reported to exert some effects through action on heme oxygenase, cross-talk with other signaling molecules, and regulating the expression of various genes. However, how molecular hydrogen fits into, and integrates with, other signaling pathways is not clearly understood. Future work is needed to elucidate the mechanism(s) and significance of the interaction of H2 with these and other cellular systems.
Prof. Dr. John Hancock
And here’s another one from the CSIRO. Have a look at the contributing studies. Anything noticeable? Are we being left behind.. again?