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20+ YEARS Water Specialists

Trauma, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress.

In recent years we’ve learned that PTSD is an ‘epigenetic’ condition triggered by oxidative stress. Yes, yes, I know… And what in the world does that mean?

Can Molecular Hydrogen help us to age SLOWER?

Can Molecular Hydrogen help us to age SLOWER?

If someone told you that drinking water daily could improve aging-related biomarkers, ie, total antioxidant capacity, advanced glycation end products, tumor necrosis factor-α, free fatty acids, and alanine aminotransferase in plasma… you’d be interested, right?

Can Your Skin Really benefit from a Simple Spray of Hydrogen Water?

Can Your Skin Really benefit from a Simple Spray of Hydrogen Water?

Molecular Hydrogen and Your Skin? It’s true that oral consumption of hydrogen water – and inhalation are the most common methods of accessing e benefits of hydrogen-rich water, but research is now revealing new and exciting ways to benefit. And one of these is using hydrogen water on our skin. There are two ways to […]

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