We are drenched with ‘fixit’ messages here on the web. Eat less, exercise more. But how come we constantly hear of people doing just that and hey, they still pack the pounds?
Heavy metals with your steak, Sir?
“Sir, due to our new ‘honest food policy’, I am obliged to inform you that your Steak Bernaise has certain ingredients you may not be aware of.” What would you do? (Water filter)
Bottled water environmental impact: 3500 times worse than your tap water.
A study focused on Barcelona, found that the sustainability benefits of avoiding bottled water far outweighed the perceived health benefits of drinking it. Learn more about bottled water
Plastic drinking bottles just got much, much worse.
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have discovered several hundred different chemical substances in tap water stored in reusable plastic bottles.
Bottled water environmental impact: 3500 times worse than tap water
A study focused on Barcelona, found that the sustainability benefits of avoiding bottled water far outweighed the perceived health benefits of drinking it. Learn more about bottled water
Plastics in our water. Not good enough!
Plastics in your coffee? Do you use a plastic kettle?
Could we be at risk of cancer just by drinking tap water?
The number of ‘new’ contaminants in our drinking water is rising. The EPA identified over 600, with safety research on them nowhere to be seen.
If an Alien Asked You What You Were Made of, What Would You Say? Drinking Water?
A (friendly) alien soon realises that he or she (or it) is talking to a bag of water. Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi takes it even further: “Life is water, dancing to the tune of macro molecules.” So.. the alien is talking to water. So let’s talk about drinking water.
The Reason we all Need a Water Filter isn’t going away.
“Pigs are not the only animal that wallows in its own filth. Fish and frogs on mood elevators, beta blockers and estrogen therapies should not be the price of progress; fish and frogs have no choice and we do.”Water filters PLEASE!
Saving thousand dollars a year is THIS easy!
I am always in wonder at how some people complain about having no money… and yet seem to have a blind spot on what they spend money on. Luckily for Mr Shanshan (whom I bet you’ve never heard of!), there are enough blind spotters in the world for him to become the 6th richest man in the world.
Have you stopped supplements to be healthy? Or do you just think you have?
Ever wonder whether the drugs you ceased taking might still be getting into you? In your water?
Beating the microplastics problem in our clothes.
Beating the microplastics problem in our clothes. Japanese scientists developed what they call a bulk acoustic wave (BAW) system, which uses piezo vibrations to remove microplastic-laden wastewater from washing machines.