The hidden secret of the Alkaline Diet that no-one talks about.. and why.
Millions of Americans Are In Water Debt
More than 1.5 million households in a dozen major U.S. cities with publicly operated water utilities owe $1.1 billion in past-due water bills, according to a Circle of Blue investigation. Businesses, industries, and other commercial operations in those cities owed another $416 million. Most Americans give little thought to water bills, paying them on time […]
How’s Your Plumbing? A Common pipe alloy can form a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water.
The rusted interior of this water pipe contains chromium. This reacts with residual water disinfectants to form carcinogenic hexavalent chromium. A study by engineers at UC Riverside showed that rusted iron pipes can react with residual disinfectants in drinking water distribution systems to produce carcinogenic hexavalent chromium in drinking water. Chromium is a metal that […]
Drinking Alkaline water: Does it help your health? Really?
Alkaline water: it’s the rage. Celebrities, influencers.. everyone is talking about it. But does it really do what the vendors claim? Does Alkaline water help your health?
Why Drinking Bottled Water is SOO wrong.
You’re Wasting Your Money with bottled water, Many Brand Are Selling You Tap Water, Bottled Water Can be Contaminated, Buying Bottled Water Hurts the Environment
The MLM Microclustering Myth Demolished
Microclustered water ionizer water. A myth soundly debunked.
Molecular Hydrogen enters the Operating Theatre.
Molecular Hydrogen in hospitals. An example of how H2 is being adopted by traditional medicine.
pH, ORP and Hydrogen: What a Water Ionizer Buyer Really Needs to Understand.
“A crucial concept to understand about alkaline hydrogen water usually produced by water ionizers (unlike new devices that primarily use PEM membranes that don’t raise the pH) is the difference between its alkaline pH and its “alkalinity”.
Getting fitter doesn’t have to hurt… much
Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water during and after exercise not only helps improve cardiovascular endurance, but a study using HRW for resistance training shows it can improve muscular resilience as well.
Does Hydrogen Water have Side Effects?
This excellent article from Alex Tarnava, inventor of our Alkaway Hydrogen tablets give everything you need to know about his dissolvable H2 tablets.
Hydrogen Water and Allergies
Does molecular hydrogen aid allergy sufferers? Learn the science.
Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery
What happens when a competitor copies your trademark?
Erin Brokovich tells us why we DON’T want chloramines in our drinking water
I’m reading Erin’s amazing book right now and if you like what you read, there’s much more of it on the link after this article.
When Doctors have ‘had enough’ we have a problem.
A heartfely plea from your family doctor. Really worth watching.
A New Look at Kidney Stones.
These amazing images of kidney stones show why you may be in excruciating pain. They are, frankly, self-explanatory.