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20+ YEARS Water Specialists

The  Reason we all Need a Water Filter isn’t going away.

The Reason we all Need a Water Filter isn’t going away.

“Pigs are not the only animal that wallows in its own filth. Fish and frogs on mood elevators, beta blockers and estrogen therapies should not be the price of progress; fish and frogs have no choice and we do.”Water filters PLEASE!

Getting fitter doesn’t have to hurt... much

Getting fitter doesn’t have to hurt… much

Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water during and after exercise not only helps improve cardiovascular endurance, but a study using HRW for resistance training shows it can improve muscular resilience as well.

A New Look at Kidney Stones.

A New Look at Kidney Stones.

These amazing images of kidney stones show why you may be in excruciating pain. They are, frankly, self-explanatory.

Pesticides causing Heart Disease... and more…

Pesticides causing Heart Disease… and more…

Organophosphates and carbamates are the more common active ingredients of household, garden, and farm insecticides, and are highly toxic to all animals and humans. What do they do to the heart? In a 2004 study, 37 adults were admitted to a Singapore hospital with acute pesticide poisoning (organophosphates or carbamate) over a three-year period, and 62 percent of these patients later developed cardiac complications.

Hydrogen v Caffeine in the Sleep Deprived

Hydrogen v Caffeine in the Sleep Deprived

Molecular Hydrogen can be as effective as caffeine in increasing alertness when sleep deprived, but in different ways. Learn the science and beat the morning drag.

Are you 23% Healthy or...

Are you 23% Healthy or…

Forget about the elections, climate change or Covid! Think about what this means in terms of the health of a nation! TERRIBLE results for USA health conditions.

The Alkaline Diet and Oxalates

The Alkaline Diet and Oxalates

Oxalates: An expansion of my need to stay alkaline and keep up my free radical protection. Where to find the foods that affect you.

A New Take on Immunity?

A New Take on Immunity?

There’s more to immunity than exposure to contagious viruses like COVID.

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