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20+ YEARS Water Specialists

Molecular Hydrogen and Epigenetics

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In 2007 there was only one scientific study of the positive health effects of hydrogen-rich water published in the West.

Today there are now over 1000 scientific studies covering 120 different disease models.
Here at AlkaWay, our team has been collaborating with Tyler LeBaron, biochemist and the world’s leading specialist in the therapeutic effects of hydrogen-rich water. (His comprehensive website is here)

Hydrogen-rich water has been studied and reported to be a natural anti-inflammatory a selective antioxidant, anti-allergy and anti-apoptotic. A study at the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden even found evidence of its ability to affect gene expression via cell signalling. Here at AlkaWay, ( the leading supplier of ionized water systems in Australia since 2000) we have embraced the new hydrogen science and technology to produce our own forms of hydrogen-rich water. Our new water filter, alkalizer, ionizer, and high-level hydrogen-rich water producer, the UltraStream, eliminates a huge range of harmful contaminants. It also adds enormous amounts of alkalinity, energy, and antioxidants.

We also have a range of tablets that supply H2 simply and easily in a single dose form. IMG 26082014 23451330 Aug 2014 Few people realized when 51-year-old Geraldine Finnegan ascended the winner’s podium in Istanbul today that she had won with a stress fracture.

Even fewer knew that she had taken a (perfectly legal) hydrogen supplement. A happy lady! Asked how she felt after the win, Geraldine said “Brilliant! Full of energy and life bubbling with enthusiasm after taking it!”

We are well aware from long experience that most practitioners are very busy.

For this reason, we accept that many we talk to will not take action immediately. This email this week from Dr. Brandon Couchman came as no surprise. We sent him a sample order 3 months ago.

I am testing Hydro FX on some patients right now and having amazing results! One was a Car accident Patient and another is severe spasm that an Emergency room visit didn’t have any effect on!  I need to see how to get some more shipped as well as your hydrogen ion water.”

Dr. Brandon Couchman
Elevation Chiropractic

Tyler LeBaron teaches at BY University, IDAHO. He is the founder of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute and an active researcher on everything related to the therapeutic effects of H2. He is a consultant to AlkaWay.

New features

  • Removes more harmful contaminants with the world’s best NSF (USA’s highest water filter certification) approved ingredients
  • Adds hydrogen gas, pH and alkaline minerals such as magnesium and calcium.
  • Softer, better tasting water with longer-lasting beneficial characteristics due to the use of crystal quartz and ceramic magnets
  • Easy to install, use and replace filters
  • Higher quality production in a Water Quality Association and NSF approved factory with a 3-year warranty
  • Easy to own and sell with attractive distributor margins and minimum order quantities.

UltraStream – The Alkaline Water filter that turns your ordinary tap water into an ocean of antioxidants!

Customer Experiences

“I have had Diabetes type 2 and have been drinking UltraStream water for 6 months and along with dietary changes and drinking the water my Diabetes is now in remission,”


The UltraStream is definitely superior to my old electronic alkalizing unit. There are less clutter and H2O usage! My visitors also like drinking the ‘fresh’ H2O. Because I drink alkalized H2O I don’t take drugs for my arthritis. I only take supplements like Krill oil & mussel.”

Jacqueline, Lindfield, Australia

“I love the product. Since drinking this water I have shed 15 pounds in all the right places. I have more energy, people say I look 5 years younger and I agree.”

Tracy, Preston ID USA

“I have had IBS troubles for about the last 8 years due to work-related stress and poor diet. Things got worse when my digestion started to shut down. I discovered that a lack of digestive juices can result from an overly acidic body and so I decided to buy an UltraStream filter to help alkalize my system besides the other good things it does. The AlkaWay Team also provided me with helpful advice on digestion and diet. After only 3 months there has been a significant improvement in my IBS and sense of wellbeing. Thank you AlkaWay.”

Glynn Korrel AU

“I have Fibromyalgia and I normally have to take painkillers for the pain, I started drinking the UltraStream water which my wife had purchased and after 4 months I realized I had not taken my painkillers for the last few weeks. The pain has gone.”

Steve, Deception Bay AU

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