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Compare AlkaWay UltraStream with SD501 Electric water ioniser.

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These Videos Show Why the UltraStream is BETTER than the Leveluk SD501

Ian Blair Hamilton, 20 year alkaline health expert measures the pH (alkalinity) and ORP (anti-oxidizing) production from AlkaWay’s UltraStream and the Leveluk SD501.

The results are quite unexpected.


pH Test

ORP Test

Filtration Comparison

Molecular Hydrogen Test

We asked AquaSciences LLC, specialists in the testing and measurement of molecular hydrogen to test the AlkaWay UltraStream and compare it at the flow rate a normal user would use, then at an extra slow flow rate. The results are expressed as percentages of maximum hydrogen saturation in the output water.

Results from AquaSciences LLC shows the UltraStream produces TRIPLE the molecular hydrogen than the Enagic Kangen Leveluk SD501 !!

“the UltraStream produces an initial higher hydrogen gas concentration (68.8% vs. 21.9%) compared to the SD501” :AquaSciences LLC

Why is molecular hydrogen so important? Because it’s the ‘secret ingredient’ that makes ionized water have such amazing results. Go here to learn more from the non-profit Molecular hydrogen Institute.


Results of Comparative Testing
The complete test report may be downloaded here.

Since first posting this information we have learned a great deal more about comparing electronic units to the UltraStream.

  1. We have discovered that older models with less advanced auto cleanse systems quickly lose their ability to generate molecular hydrogen.
    This is attributed to the accretion (even very small amounts) of minerals to the electrolysis plates in the ionizer. Because many electronic systems have very basic filtration, mineral accretion on plates is common.

Users who have become aware of this deficiency of design report that they have to perform long cleanse cycles weekly to maintain H2 levels. Levels are reported to peak at around 0.8 ppm, still far lower than the UltraStream, which has been now measured at up to 1.3 ppm. More often, reports give levels of around 0.3ppm so it may be assumed that the high levels come from owners ‘tuning’ their machines to obtain high H2 levels.

  • The ability of electrically generated molecular hydrogen to remain in output water has been shown to be very weak compared to UltraStream. This may be the agitation caused around the electrolysis plates causing the H2 to be formed in bubbles rather than actually infused as nanobubbles in the water. Electronic ionizer vendors have often used this bubbling effect to demonstrate the ‘ionization’ of their water but it now appears that the bubbles in output water glasses are H2 bubbles that quickly leave the water. UltraStream does not bubble because the H2 generation process is far more benign, causing no agitation.
  • Electric ionizer vendors claim that their units can run longer, thus producing more H2 water. This is true. The UltraStream hydrogen-activates the water in the canister of the UltraStream and continuous flow will reduce in H2 levels as it does not have time to convert the media to H2. However as already discussed, electronic systems do not have the capability to produce a high level of H2 that UltraStream does. Our research and feedback indicate that drinking H2 water with the highest level of H2 is much more effective than drinking a greater amount with less H2 levels. All measurements mentioned here come from our own testing or verified feedback from users using H2Blue reagent tests.


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