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The New Generation of Molecular Hydrogen Health System

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New Generation of Molecular Hydrogen

Thank you for choosing to have an open mind and to face the big ethical challenge to all water ionizer vendors.

I’m not going to waste words on this page. You are a professional and I expect that you’ll check out everything I say.

The alternatives to electronic water ionizers come in a number of forms. Many more are coming, and when they do, you’ll hear about them here.

Aug2014-6Natural Water Ionizers

At the time of writing, there are around 3 units on the market.

A ‘Natural’ Water ionizer usually consists of filtration media plus ionizing/hydrogen producing media.

Our own system is the UltraStream. We are on our third model with over 12,000 in use. We are confident that it has advantages over every other system on the market. It has been tested to deliver around 1.1 ppm H2 – almost 4 times higher than an SD501 water ionizer also tested by AquaSciences.

Where it works

The UltraStream is an ideal substitute for an electronic system because it has far better filtration plus excellent H2 production. It may be installed under a sink or benchtop.

suisolMagnesium Sticks

There are many magnesium stick products on the market. Most come from China and we do not recommend them. One Japanese model we have tested uses a special DuPont gas permeable membrane to ONLY permit H2 to pass from the magnesium in the tube. Other sticks allow the magnesium and any impurities into the water. Because most users will attempt to get maximum H2 from the stick by leaving it water overnight, there is the chance of bad taste and contamination, especially from the cheaper models.

Where it works
It’s a low performing H2 producer. All you need is the stick and the sachets that go into the stick, and a bottle of water. However, for a family’s use, it’s underpowered. It takes a lot of fiddling to make any volume beyond one glass.
We do not sell them.

2bottlesHydrogen Tablets

Exclusive to AlkaWay Australia, this tablet was developed in collaboration between the inventor, Ian Hamilton and Tyler LeBaron. This tablet dissolves completely in water. By popping it into a bottle with a sealable cap, the H2 gets a very good concentration of more than 2ppm,  It’s called I LOVE H2

Where it fits.
Because all you need is a water bottle, and a tablet, there is really no need for a water ionizer. If you have an UltraStream, however, you will probably, like us, use the UltraStream hydrogen-rich water to ‘brew up’ an even more powerful I LOVE H2 mix.

A new product that has evolved out of previous versions (above) ULTRA does not need to be enclosed in a bottle. Drop it into a glass of water or juice and it will dissolve, creating infused molecular hydrogen of a higher level than the I LOVE H2 above. It costs more but offers more.

h2jugHydrogen Water Jugs

As relatively recent newcomers to the market, Hydrogen water jugs are basically electronic water ionizers without a filter and without attachment to a faucet. To use it, plug it in and fill the container with water.

Turn it on and in around 3 minutes you will have H2 water with up to 1.3ppm.

These devices are selling very slowly because their manufacturer’s cost is as high as an electronic water ionizer WITH filter and flow-through water supply.

Where it’s Best
At this time we don’t see a good usability niche for this product. It doesn’t filter, it doesn’t hold its H2 and it can only make a small quantity.

Hydrogen PodHydrogen Pods

The Hydrogen Pod is a bottle with an attached PEM Hydrogen generator. Fill the bottle, press a button and in 7 minutes you have around 350ml of hydrogen-rich water. Excellent for busy people. The base can detach and can be used to attach an ordinary water bottle.

There are dozens on the market. We tested over 20 before we found one we can stand behind.

Best for: A busy life.An addition to your basic H2 kit. Works extremely well with filtered, UltraStream water.

HydrogenTechNZ a2ec86e73513bb06c41e88a0f1da7f61 2000Hydrogen Inhalers

An inhaler can be used anytime you are sitting.. in meditation, at work, at home. It produces pure molecular hydrogen and is fed to you via a cannula. A very simple way to receive high levels of H2.

The model pictured is Australian made and designed for clinical use. We also have smaller models designed specifically for home use.

Best for: Seriously committed H2 users. It gives the best levels of H2 possible.

This gives you a basic overview of the options available to you. I strongly suggest that you do your own research to verify what we have laid out above.

Today we are not restricted to a single method and with our help, you can create the right product mix to support your lifestyle, needs, and budget.

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