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Water filter Comparison Discussion

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Carbon water filter London England 1890 1915
Carbon water filter, London, England, 1890-1915

Water Filters and Water Purifiers: How do you know what’s really the best?

A Discussion with Ian Blair Hamilton, Founder.

Comparing water filters or water purifiers is a bit like running with the bulls.
A lot of people run but few emerge unscathed.

Why is this so? Because water filters or water purification vendors have many, many ways to get you seriously confused and ‘bull-dozed’. They rely on you deciding that it’s not really so important to spend so much time on the computer to learn about humble water filters when your kids want you to come outside and play baseball with them.

The water filter business is one of the last old-style businesses where it’s ‘what you know vs. what you tell’ that matters. We say this because we are very proud to be able to say that we are the only alkaline hydrogen producing water filter or water purifier on the market that has ever commissioned a ‘whole of life’ filter test report.

We’d estimate that 95% of all water filters on the market have never had a ‘whole of life’ test. This is because such a test quickly reveals the inadequate lasting capability of the water filter. Besides, they know that you don’t know enough to differentiate. It’s like taking you for a test drive in a brand new car then promising it will sound and perform that good every day of its life.

It’s hard to blame the vendors. When it became obvious that most people didn’t do their research, but bought on price alone, in the mistaken belief that ‘all water purifiers are the same’, the big issue became price. As with so many products on the internet, discounting is rife and so the most successful vendor is often the one who can slice the costs of getting his water filter onto the market.

We took a calculated risk when we commissioned our multi-thousand dollar report from a local university test laboratory. Our ‘risk’ was that our prospective water filter customers thought enough of their own and family health to discriminate between a water filter or water purifier that was VERY much better at what it is supposed to do; filter water!

Water filter systems have changed.

Would you buy a cassette deck today? Would you buy an old-style phone? Would you buy anything that you could see was obviously surpassed in technology? I wouldn’t. It’s worth a few minutes to learn the value we offer.

* At everyday drinking levels and based on advertised RRP’s.


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