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20+ YEARS Water Specialists

UltraStream vs Electric Water Ionizers

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It’s not just a water filter, it’s a complete health system!

There’s a new kid on the block and he’s causing trouble among the establishment. UltraStream by AlkaWay has swept away the complexity, the repairs, the maintenance, and the mystery of the electric UltraStream or the UltRo, which use a slow release magnesium to generate and infuse molecular hydrogen”>water ionizer. It’s also ushered in a whole new understanding of water ionizers.

20 years of experience by the AlkaWay Australian team has gone into the design of the UltraStream. That’s why it’s…

Tested for the life of the filter

The only water ionizer in the world with filtration tested for the duration required by a family of four for a year. Why don’t other companies give you this assured quality?

1/8 the price of big-name electric systems

We’ve stripped away the ‘add-on’ functions that wastewater and are seldom used. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!

At least 3 times the filtration efficiency

We simply asked our US engineers to give us the very best filtration technology on the planet. With 600+ identified contaminants in our drinking water with no known remedial procedures, it’s time to take our health into our own hands!

Approved for stringent EU safety certification

Europe poses the toughest safety requirements in the world. We submitted it to EU test labs and received a ‘clean bill of health’ for all materials used in UltraStream. The only water ionizer certified to this level.

3 times the molecular hydrogen production!

Tested by AquaSciences LLC, H2 test laboratory using the lastest Japanese test methods. Also, comparison tested against the $4000 SD501 electric ionizer and proven far more capable fo H2 concentration.

Removal rates tested for the life of the filter, not just ‘as new’

Look around. Ask why other companies haven’t tested to this level. We take the approach that we don’t sell anything less than what we’d ask for ourselves.

Made in the USA, designed in Australia, sold worldwide

If you find yourself confused, bombarded, bedazzled or hard sold to, contact us or chat. We are happy to share our 20 years’ experience.

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